Science Week 2020

Science week was held between 8th-15th November and our class had a blast!

  1. Inflating a Balloon with Yeast 


We got some warm water, yeast and sugar and mixed it all together. As the yeast eats the sugar it makes a gas called carbon dioxide. The gas fills up the bottle and after about 20minutes it also inflates the balloon!

2. Making Steel Sponges Rusty! 

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For this experiment, we placed a steel sponge into a glass. We then added vinegar and bleach. We left it to sit for a while and it started to rust! Rust forms when it mixed with oxygen and water. The vinegar removes the special protective coating off the steel wool. The oxygen from the bleach combines with the iron in the steel. This chemical reaction gives off heat so the boys observed condensation on the glass too!


3. Colour Changing Flower Experiment


For this experiment, we put food colouring and observed the flowers changing from white to green or white to red!


4. Making a Tin-Foil boat that would hold cubes 

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The boys really enjoyed drawing designs for their tin-foil boat and making it.

Their favourite experiment of the week was making elephant’s toothpaste!

5. Making Elephant’s Toothpaste! 


About Nicola Lavelle