Brigid brings the spring 💐

We learned about St Brigid, one of the most famous Irish saints. St Brigid’s Day is celebrated on February 1st. We read the story of her cloak and learned about how she made her cross with reeds and rushes. We then made our own crosses using popsicle sticks and painted them green like the rushes.

Under the Antarctic Ice 🏔️

Our theme for the month was Adventure in Antarctica. We learned about the climate in Antarctica and different animals that live there. One animal we studied was the Orca, or Killer Whales. 

Our knowledge of Orcas inspired our Art. We discussed how we can can have different shades of colours using tones such as black and white. We used these tones to create different shades of blue for our Orca paintings. They turned out great!

Baking Rice Krispie Buns

What a busy month January has been! We had a special birthday in Prefab 12 so of course we had to mark it by baking some treats! We practiced good hand hygiene when in the kitchen, and cleaned up after ourselves when we finished. The hardest part was waiting for the cakes to set! 

Getting the Bus to the Coffee Shop and playing some games

We got the bus to go to a different coffee shop than usual. Getting the Dublin Bus was a new experience for Prefab 12 and one we hope to revisit in the future. We played our favourite Shopping List game while we watched the traffic go by.

GAA with our Coach Mark ⚽

Our Trip to the Café ☕️

We went to our local coffee shop for a hot chocolate treat! We practiced our Rules of the Road – waiting for the green man before crossing the road, looking left and right, holding our partners hands and listening to teacher. 🚦On our way back, we even got some biscuits to bring back to class and dunk in some fresh milk. Happy Friday! 🥛🍪

Posting our Christmas Dinner Wishlist

We wrote letters about what we would like to have for Christmas Day dinner and sent them to the North Pole. 🍖 We even saw some elves on our way to the post box!

A Visit from Mrs Claus and the Piper 🤶🧸🎵

Making Chocolate Marshmallow Snowmen ⛄️🍫

Christmas Carol Service 👼