Whole School Dance Off!

Today we had a whole school dance off and it was so fun! Here are some of our dances and some pictures of the fun we had!!

Ms Lyon’s ASD Unit – The Left, Right Dance

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Ms Kirwan’s & Ms Sawyer’s ASD Unit – The Maxarena

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Ms Murphy’s Junior Infants – The Chicken Dance

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Ms Marica’s Junior Infants – The Cupid Shuffle

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Ms Roche’s Junior Infants – The Cha Cha Slide

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Ms McBride’s Senior Infants – The YMCA

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Ms Carr’s & Ms Markey’s Senior Infants – The Sid Shuffle

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Ms Lavelle’s First Class – Jerusalema

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Ms Gallagher’s & Ms Kelly’s First Class – The Despicable Me Dance

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I Love You to Pieces!

The boys made these for mother’s day.


Frog Life Cycle


We’re So Egg-cited for Easter!


Cártaí Cásca


Procedural Writing

The boys learnt about procedural writing and wrote about how to make a jam sandwich.



Friendship Flowers

As part of the social, personal and health education (S.P.H.E.) curriculum, the boys learnt about making friends and also breaking friends. They discussed what to do if they have an argument with a friend. They wrote these ideas on a petal and we created these fabulous flowers.


Wool Always Be Friends!

The boys learnt about the signs of spring and about baby animals. They created these baa-utifiul lambs with paper plates and cotton wool!





Georgia O’Keefe

We studied the artist Georgia O’Keefe. The boys painted beautiful flowers inspired by her work.


Seachtain na Gaeilge and St. Patrick’s Day Activities

