Recent activities in Prefab 12

Fun with 3D shapes!

A fun trip for Prefab 12!

Some photos of our fun December in Prefab 12!

Santa visit to Prefab 12!

Some more photos of December in Prefab 12.

Some December photos from Prefab 12

December has been a busy month so far in Prefab 12 with some fun Christmas Art and enjoyable trips! Well done boys on all of your great work!

Some photos from November in Prefab 12

Here are some photos from the past few weeks in school. The boys are working hard and having fun in Prefab 12!


October fun in Prefab 12!

We have had a fun month in Prefab 12!



Maths Week

We enjoyed some extra Maths activities during Maths Week. We used our Maths eyes to notice shapes, colours, patterns and numbers all around us. Great work boys!