St. Brigid’s Cloak

We listened to the story of St. Brigid’s cloak and the boys worked together to paint these colourful tributes. Our ‘cloaks’ reached all the way to Room 3!

Water travels in a cycle, yes it does!

Today, we started learning about the Water Cycle. We discovered that the water on earth is always moving. We sang a song about the Water Cycle and learned about evaporation, condensation and precipitation. Then, we made water cycle wheels to help us remember the new words we had learned.


The boys loved learning about the Arctic and the Antarctic and they were interested to learn that it’s not just the Earth that has a North Pole and a South Pole! Magnets also have a north and south pole. We had great fun exploring with magnets in our classroom.


Praiseworthy poetry!

The boys in Room 1 have made the most amazing progress since September. They have been working very hard on their independent writing and produced these wonderful poems. We are very proud of their work.


We learned about Christopher Columbus and his journey to discover America. We made his ship the Santa Maria, and wrote about his life and voyage. 


We created a stunning display for outside our room. If you look closely each snowball tells you an interesting penguin fact.

Busy at Maths

We are learning about tens and units in class. We also have fun playing maths games.


We learned all about Antarctica. We studied the climate, the animals who live there, who visits it, and about famous explorers who survived the journey to it. We worked hard to create creative, informative, artistic projects.

A special surprise!

We were delighted to welcome a special visitor to our class today. Mrs. Claus came to see us and arrived in style accompanied by a very stylish piper! The sound of beautiful Christmas music filled the corridors and the boys were thrilled to hear everything Mrs. Claus could tell them about the North Pole!

Christmas Decorations

We made amazing decorations.