Procedural Writing

The boys have been very busy with their independent writing in Room 1. Our writing genre for March was procedural writing. The boys have worked very hard and produced some very impressive pieces of work. Well done!

Easter Cards

Library Visit

The boys really enjoyed their visit to Cabra Library. They listened to a story, learned a little about the library and then explored the books. We love reading in Room 1!

St Patrick’s Day Parade

We had great fun on our St Patrick’s Day walk. You might have seen and heard us!

We made stunning Mother’s Day pictures for our wonderful Mothers.


Our Drama lesson about the book ‘What the Ladybird Heard,’ was great fun! First, the boys created a soundscape of the farmyard by making the animal noises from the story. Next, we discussed the characters of the robbers. The boys came up with some amazing adjectives to describe them, such as stealthy, mischievous, stubborn and criminal. Then, the boys created freeze frames to show how the robbers might look.

Finally, our ‘robbers’ were tasked with devising a plan to steal the fine, prize cow. They had to draw maps of the farmyard to help their gang succeed!

Terrific Trees

 We walked to the Phoenix Park to explore! We have been learning about trees in school and the boys spent some time making bark rubbings of the trees in the park.


Pancake Tuesday

The boys enjoyed their pancakes last Tuesday!

Spring Display

We all worked together to create a beautiful Spring display.

Hip … Hop … Around the Clock

We have started to learn about telling the time in Maths. We played ‘hip, hop, around the clock,’ and the boys participated enthusiastically! Then they worked hard in class to show their new Maths skills.